Wednesday, December 14, 2011

I will always love you :')

ayang, the last song is one of your favourite song right :)) i miss you :(

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Wish you were here

Ayang, I wish you were here :'(

Monday, December 12, 2011


Ayang, specially for you :'(

Maria Dancing :))

See my cute little girl learns how to dance :)) 

Saturday, December 10, 2011


You’ve got that smile,

That only heaven can make
I pray to God everyday
That you keep that smile.

There’s not a thing I won’t do
I’ll give my life up for you
cause you are my dream

And baby, everything that I have is yours,
You will never go cold or hungry.
I’ll be there when you’re insecure,
Let you know that you’re always lovely
Cause you are the only thing that I got right now

One day when the sky is falling,
I’ll be standing right next to you,
Nothing will ever come between us cos
I’ll be standing right next to you,
Right next to you.

I had ur child,
You make my life complete 
Just to have your eyes on our little me
That’d would be ours forever.

iloveyou ayang :')

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stick Wtih You :))

Here's my cute little girl :)) mcm budak Korea atau Japan ?? hahaha !! well,I'm glad everything is settled for Sue :)) yesterday was fun ! ayang wasn't working and he fetched me at KKH .. we then had dinner together .. I really enjoyed spending time with you last night :)) thanks for sending me back home at 1am in the morning, though you gotta walk back home in the middle of the night .. thank you ayang :)) ayang ! i've already done my research abt the Boutique Hotel that we watched on TV yesterday !! haha !! I've already get all the necessary details :)) InsyaAllah, we'll go there one day okay :)) I It's already November !! and then, the end of the year :))   Alhamdulillah, so far, things have been good our side .. our relationship, our cute little girl and our careers :)) I hope things will stay as it is .. Ayang, remember tau, I wanna go to Arbite Cafe for their Pastas !! :)) it looks appetizing :)) 

I wanna take my nap for a while .. im shagged ! till then, Toodless ~
Iloveyou ayang :))

Arbite's Website :

Wanderlust Hotel
2 Dickson Road, Singapore 209494
Tel. +65 6396 3322

Shagged !!

im damn shagged :( pity ayang, he's tired but still need to go to work today .. but still, yesterday night was fun :)) and forgetting my first day in NUH too :)) alot of experience that i've faced .. so, after work, went to meet buddy arai, max and azy at Suntec City, then we proceed to East Coast Lagoon to meet Boss :)) We ordered alot of scrumptious food !! I was very full till my uniform was abt to stretch further .. hahaha ! a while later, ayang came over from JB :)) thank you ayang for making time after work to meet me there :)) so, when ayang came, he ordered his set of food :)) after joking ard, we then strolled along the pavement at East Coast Park :)) it's been soo long me and ayang went there .. while walking, it started to rain .. we then decided to go back home since everybody is tired already .. we flagged the cab back home ..

Okay, I delayed posting out this post because i have forgotten all abt it .. haha ! Here you go readers :))

Thursday, October 27, 2011

You are the only one :))

ayang, remember this song ? hehe! its been so long I hear this song .. I miss our "honeymoon" period :)) 

Awesome-ness~ !!

Please Don't Stop the Rain.

Feeling like you got no place to run, I can be your shelter till it's done.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Happy Pills !! :))

See that ?? hehehe! ayang bought for me !! I'm super duper HAPPY ! and i'm loving it :)) I wore it to work today .. hahaha! KIASU gitu .. Was supposed to take my half day leave today to take care of Maria, but ended up work for the whole day .. I'll make sure to claim for atleast half of my monthly allowance from my Boss this month :)) ayang, thank you so much for yesterday :)) I'm soo happy with you last night :)) shopping was great .. and also the KOI drink !! hahaha !! plus the Qiji Meal and also the ehem ehem :)) and I love playing soap bubbles with you !! :)) and after yesterday, luckily I managed to reach work on time, despite waking up late .. or else, my Boss will nag at me :)) So, tonight, I will be sleeping early :)) gotta work again tomorrow .. duhh! this new trainee really have a thick skull I gotta drill in :)) Don't come home too late okay ayang .. you're working tomorrow .. i'll stop here for now :)) Toodles~

iloveyou Khairul Izam :))

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Patience is Virtue

Didn't managed to sleep for the past 2 days, taking care of my sick little girl .. Alhamdulillah, she's recovering now :)) but still, was accused of doing things that I've never thought of doing again .. well, this is life i guess .. people will think about all ur wrongdoings .. i'll just gotta be patient because I know what is happening around me .. Whoever is in this drama, I wish you luck .. May karma find their way to you soon .. I will not do anything .. neither will I confront you, I will just sit and watch each and every of your movement :)) I sincerely hope u're happy with what u've done to my life .. to my daughter's life too .. Thank you so much for ruining us :)) I posted this on Facebook, so I really wish that you will be busybody enough to read my blog :)) You have done a tremendous job and I applaud you for that :))

Ayang, I miss you so much .. I miss talking to you .. I won't be around from tomorrow onwards :( I gotta settle what is needed to be settled .. I will be missing both you and Maria .. Please take care of yourself ayang .. I love you .. I will always do :) Even if I'm not there to give you my attention, u'll always be on my mind .. Always .. I just hope you open your eyes wide enough to believe that there are people who's still ruining people's relationship .. Hasat Dengki, Dendam .. I really miss you :( I'll be going at 8:30am in the morning tomorrow .. I will definitely call you before I go .. I love you ayang .. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Maria's 6 mths :))

The love of my life,
The light in my world,
It's only you,
My precious baby girl :))

Nur Maria Arianna, you're 6 months old !!
Stay bubbly, hyperactive and adorable !!
iloveyou :)

Yours truly, Mama :))

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

PhotoCopy :))

Okay, yang ini, muke ayang and Maria PHOTOCOPY abes :)) 

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

He's not perfect.

this is what i've learnt about MY MAN :))

Maria's first solid food :))

Maria's FIRST solid food :)) ayang, your little girl is enjoying her food :)) 

21st March 2010

ayang, i miss you :( im sorry for not calling you last night. i was sleepy after taking my medication. im sorry. please don't say what you said this morning okay :( you know i will always put you to sleep whenever im feeling well .. you know i will always give my 100% attention when im not sick. i miss those times when we have nothing to think of, nothing to do besides schooling, we can laze around anytime we want. Going to the beach with our peaceful mind :) remember ?can we do all that again :)) i wanna go to the beach !! hehe !! i miss US ayang .. i really miss that .. :(

P/S: iloveyou! <3

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sick Sick Sick :(

Im SICK !! i hate to be sick :( ayang, i miss you. i'm sorry i didn't called you last night .. i was asleep after putting maria to bed .. she's still sick too :( vomited at work again this afternoon .. ayang, kite dah jarang bebual this few days .. i guess because u're buzy with work .. and, im buzy taking care of Maria :( but, it's okay. i understand :)) okay, i don't know why i posted up this song .. but, i think its kinda cute .. haha! im gonna continue later .. gonna watch my favourite TV show NOWW :)) Toodless ~

Okay, I've already put ayang to sleep, and I shall continue blogging for a while more before I go to bed .. ayang, im sorry for scolding you earlier on .. i just miss u soo much .. and i can't wait to tell you whatever happened yesterday .. im sorry :( you've been working soo hard lately .. please have time to rest and eat okay ?? btw, can we go to the beach this weekend ?? dah lame kite tak pegi beach kan ? tapi nanti Maria panas pulak kat sane .. jauh pulak tu :( well, im gonna turn in soon .. working tmr :)) gdnite, sweet dreams ayang .. iloveyou !! see you in my dreamland :)) hehehee ! 

Saturday, October 1, 2011

iloveyou ayang :))

So you think my man can't give me happiness? Let me tell you this, he's the one who brought me closer to ALLAH, he's the one who made me change for the better, he's the one who stood by me when the world is against me & criticizing for starting to change & wear hijab, he's the reason I'll always shed my tears, but then in another hand, he showed me the meaning of true love & happiness, he's the one who fed me when I have no money, he's the one who never ever ever gave up on me thou I made a lot of mistake, he's the only one, none other than Khairul Izam. Despite all the tantrums, anger, vulgarities that we've thrown to each other, he still handle me when I'm at my worst .. People make mistake & we've been thru the worst, & of cos we changed for the better. I'm not gonna care what others think about me or him, cos he's the best & will always be. ♥
* this is my recent post on Facebook :)) I want everybody to know that, I've choose the right person to be with for the rest of my life *

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Are these real facts about Guysss ??

Saw this 10 facts about guys: LOL~

1.Giving a guy a hanging message like "Actually....uh...never mind!" would make him jump to a conclusion that is far from what you are thinking.

2. When a guy asks you to leave him alone, he's just actually saying, "Please come and listen to me."

3.Guys may be flirting around all day but before they go to sleep, they always think about the girl they truly care about.

4.A guy has more problems than you can see with your naked eyes.

5.You can tell if a guy is really hurt or in pain when he cries in front of you.

6.A guy can like you for a minute, and then forget you afterwards. but when they totally in love with you and tells you he loves you once in a lifetime, they really meant it.

7.Guys really think that girls are strange and have unpredictable decisions and thoughts but still love them more.

8.Guys love you more than you love them if they are serious in your relationships

9.Guys have feelings and who say they not like us girls, they cry too!!

10. When you catch him cheating on you and he asks for a second chance, give it to him. But when you catch him again and he asks for another chance, ignore him

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

We're the perfect TWO :))


A real Boyfriend.

Just read this, it will make a difference.
If only everyone could see this and understand it.

When she stares at your mouth
-Kiss her

When she pushes you or hits you like a dummy cause she thinks shes stronger than you
-Grab her and don't let go

When she starts cursing at you trying to act all tough
-Kiss her and tell her you love her

When she's quiet
-Ask her whats wrong

When she ignores you
-Give her your attention

When she pulls away
-Pull her back

When you see her at her worst
-Tell her she's beautiful

When you see her start crying
-Just hold her and don't say a word

When you see her walking
-Sneak up and hug her waist from behind

When she's scared
-Protect her

When she steals your favorite hoodie
-Let her keep it and sleep with it for a night

When she teases you
-Tease her back and make her laugh

When she doesn't answer for a long time
-Reassure her that everything is okay

When she looks at you with doubt
-Back yourself up

When she says that she loves you
-she really does more than you can understand

When she grabs at your hands
-Hold her's and play with her fingers

When she bumps into you
-Bump into her back and make her laugh

When she tells you a secret
-Keep it safe and untold

When she looks at you in your eyes
-dont look away until she does

When she says it's over
-she still wants you to be hers

When she reposts this bulletin
-she wants you to read it

- Stay on the phone with her even if she's not saying anything

- When she's mad hug her tight and don't let go

- When she says she's ok don't believe it, talk with her because 10 yrs later she'll remember you

- Call her at 12:00am on her birthday to tell her you love her

- Treat her like she's all that matters to you

- Stay up all night with her when she's sick

- Watch her favorite movie with her or her favorite show even if you think it's stupid

- Give her the world.

- Let her wear your clothes

-When she's bored and sad, hang out with her

-Let her know she's important.

- Kiss her in the pouring rain

- When she runs up to you crying, the first thing you say is:
"Whose ass am i kicking,BABY?"

-when she tickle u
Hold her hand

Little Brat's Video !

Maria, this is a simple video made from me :)) Im blessed to have you in my life ! iloveyou daughter :))

Precious people in my life that I would die for :)) 
You are my EVERYTHING 

Blessed :))

Hello there :)) I'm currently at work and I got some free time to edit my blog :)) well people, do hear out the song that I've posted here .. NAISSEE !! :)) hmm .. Baby Maria is not at home today .. i miss my little brat .. haha! well, i miss my ayang too ! im tired today .. just feel like lazing around and do nothing :)) how I wished I could do that .. hehe ! its already the end of September .. October is just round the corner .. Baby Maria turning 6 mths in  a few weeks' time :)) and after that, she can start eating :)) Last weekend was spent with Baby Maria, BFFs and Ayang :)) got to spend the night with ayang ! yea !! and so, its already Tuesday today .. will be fetching Maria tomorrow .. && I managed to make my very own fried Mars Balls on Sunday :)) hehe ! atlast .. okay, my mind is blank at the moment .. shall continue some other time :)) Toodless !! 

Sometimes, when I look at you, I wonder how would I feel seeing you with somebody else. That is enough to break my heart.
iloveyou ayang :))

Tuesday, September 20, 2011


About the Aries Child

A Natural-Born Leader

If your Aries son or daughter was born ahead of schedule, it should come as no surprise: Aries children are always pushing ahead of the pack. With an "Are we there yet?" outlook, they are impatient to arrive and get started already!

Aries children possess a passionate, creative, and restless nature. They seem to have more energy than other children, with a vitality that's matched only by their natural bravery. Their "me first" attitude can be a challenge for anyone who has to contend with their high spirits and frequent self-absorption.

Legendary for their straightforward honesty, Aries children tell it like they see it. They can overstep boundaries because they're naturally impulsive and tend not to look before they leap.

As the parent of a young Aries, you're probably no stranger to epic temper tantrums. Yes, Aries children have a hard time keeping their emotions under control, but there's a positive side to this: They don't hold a grudge. Once the fireworks are over, so is their anger.

Since Aries children are great at starting grand projects but not as keen on sticking with them, you'll need to be patient as you guide your child gently but firmly, helping her stay on track.

Also make sure she gets plenty of exercise. Any vigorous activity will be an excellent outlet for her energy, and if it's a competitive sport, so much the better. But be sure she wears a helmet or any other essential safety gear. In their eternal hurry, Aries children tend to be accident-prone.

About the Aries Parent

An Inspiring Act to Follow

As an Aries parent, you're a natural leader. You have lots of energy, and you're passionate about your interests. Your children find you inspiring, exciting, courageous, and a wonderful example to follow -- except when they find you a little bit insensitive and overbearing.

Yes, your mind is quick and your mouth is even quicker, and sometimes you say things you later regret. Also, you have a bit of a temper, so when your children frustrate you, they know exactly when and why. Well, at least you let your irritation go once you get it off your chest! And your kids always know where they stand with you.

An active lifestyle suits you and your family best. Take your kids hiking or challenge them to a game of volleyball or soccer in the park -- but make sure you don't get too competitive, especially if any of your children are the sensitive sort. Aggressive displays of energy might be a bit much for them to handle.

On the other hand, you're their biggest supporter and they know it. You'll be on the sidelines cheering for them whether they're competing in a debate or a basketball championship.

Your children will always appreciate your honesty, even in its bluntness, and the youthful energy that keeps you young even as you grow older. Make it a point to show them your tender side, too. They need to know they can rely on your emotional support as well as your strength and dynamic energy.

With two Aries sharing the helm of parenthood, your family life will be anything but dull! Equally energetic, your biggest challenges as parents will be to coordinate your efforts to cover all the bases and to share the leadership that comes naturally to both of you. By taking turns or dividing duties, you'll overcome the temptation to compete with each other. And by mixing it up this way, you won't get bored.

As honest and straightforward as you both are, your kids will always know where they stand with you. Conversations may be loud, but they will be sincere! Your youthful spirit will help you relate to your children, but your impatience and temper may create problems. Apologize when you err, and follow up necessary discipline with words of love and support. Your enthusiasm and courage will win the hearts of your children. 

Monday, September 19, 2011

Me, You and Us :))

this post is specially for you .. for you to understand how i feel upon seeing what i saw .. and i want to understand the reason you do what u did .. remember the night i messaged you, asking whether are u still contacting anybody else ?? you said No .. but, 4 days before that, u added a few people thru MSN .. i saw all ur activities .. and i wonder, is there still anything that ur hiding from me ? i didn't asked u because, i dun wanna spark a quarrel between us .. so, i kept quiet .. just making my own assumption to kill my insecurities .. ayang, i want us to be truthful to each other .. please dun hide anything from me .. you know that im insecure .. all i want is your assurance .. your assurance that u will never leave me again :( your assurance that u will love me like u always do .. that is all i need .. u told me ur not using ur Twitter account anymore .. but yet, i found out u blocked me .. why are u doing all these ?? what is there for u to hide and block me ?? like i said, i dun wanna ask u about all these because i dun wanna quarrel with u .. but, u've been hiding things from me .. i love you ayang .. i can't live without you .. and you know that .. i know i did countless of mistakes, but then, all i want is you .. nothing else matter .. and not forgetting our daughter .. i do not want us to fall apart .. we have stayed strong thruout this 1 and a half year .. and there's more to come .. my longest relationship of all .. the only person im in love thruout this 1 and a half yr is you .. others are nothing to me ayang .. please, dun hide anything from me .. okay ?? u know if u were to tell me, i won't be mad at you .. u know me very well .. i can never be mad at you for so long .. i love you .. i will always do .. remember that okay ?? and, i will never leave you for someone else .. :)) 

Friday, September 16, 2011

Nur Maria Arianna Bte Khairul Izam

Well well well ! it's been ages since I update my one and only Blog :)) 5 looonnggg months I must say !! Hmm .. I don't know where shall I start first .. Maybe I'll start with my precious daughter :)) she was born on the 19th April 2011 !! We're the April/Aries familyy !! :)) and so, at this date, Nur Maria Arianna is already 5 mths old :)) alot alot alot of things happened along the way I must say :(( but yet, I'm still standing strong .. juggling between work, Maria and life itself .. well, I guess you guys would like to know what happened between me and Mr Boyfriend right ?? hmmm .. we're still in good terms and we'll just let time tells everything :)) the most important thing is, he's been a supportive father for Maria :)) && I almost forget how to share to you guys my experience of giving birth !! haha ! its a painful yet wonderful experience :)) having Kyo's support thru out my labour, I felt blessed :)) 

Hari Raya itself was so-so :(( the sad thing was, I couldn't celebrate it with Baby Maria .. some of my family members are not aware about her presence in our family .. but, well, as parents, we still make time to celebrate this festive season as a family too :)) we'll be going out for Hari Raya this coming Saturday :)) Kyo had already bought Baby Maria her Hari Raya dress !! and I'm looovviinnggg it !! :)) okay, I got to go !! Toodless :))

Monday, April 4, 2011

Marina Bay Sands Madness :))

hello bloggers !! I've not been updating my blog eversince boyfriend's back from China :)) because I'm having lotsa fun .. hehe ! well, it's been a tiring but an enjoyable weekend for me, boyfriend and close frens :)) went to Marina Bay Sands on the 2nd and 3rd April .. at first, everything was in a mess but then, managed to pull thru .. those who didn't attend, I really do understand your situation :)) upon arrival, most of them were already there .. followed by the rest in the evening .. overall, a nice place to relax ourselves and rewind everything .. loosing all the pressures we're having .. to the few of my frens who's having their own disputes, I really hoped you guys did enjoyed yourselves :)) it so sweet of Roy to give me and boyfriend a couple mug from Precious Thots :)) thanx dude ! well, I regretted not going to Skypark upon arrival because when I went there 1 hour before checking out, we realised that we've missed out alot of fun there ! the place was awesome !! should have gone there with the rest :( but, I managed to snap some photos while we're at the Skypark :)) So, we checked out at around 12 noon together with my Soul and Roy :)) We then went to Plaza Singapura to have our lunch and then back home .. All of us was fatigued from all the laughter we had the previous night :)) So, as planned, we're gonna have another party for Countdown this year :)) and I'm sure it's gonna be a BLAST !! by the time, Baby G will be there too !! hehe !

And so, on the 4th of April, to my surprise, boyfriend actually finished work early than expected :)) he called me up at around 7 plus in the evening, asked me to get dolled up and meet him under his void deck .. Luckily I had already taken my shower and washed my hair .. if not, It would be a rush for me .. he wanted to celebrate my birthday :)) I was touched indeed :)) So, I went over to his place and waited for him to get dressed up .. We went to Plaza Singapura to catch the 9.15pm show of the Battleship of Yamakato :) It was an interesting show of spaceship having their so called 'war' .. 2 hours show and luckily we already bought some food for us to eat in the theater .. the show ended at around 11.45pm .. we took the train and alighted at Kranji .. then fortunately there's still bus number 170 service to Ten Mile Junction :)) upon alighting, we took a cab back home .. boyfriend sent me home and then proceeded back home too :)) ohh, I almost forget .. when I was at his place, while putting on my sandals, boyfriend actually surprised me with my birthday present !! I kept on pestering him to wear his watch, but he insisted that he doesn't wanna wear it .. so, I was abit confused .. but then, after opening the present, I understood why he didn't wanna wear his watch .. because he bought for me a couple watch for us !! :)) the watch was indeed BEAUTIFUL !! he explained to me why he choose to buy me a watch for my birthday this year :)) I shall keep the meaning to myself because I dun wanna share it here *wink* So, both of us wore the watch :)) but mine need alteration because it's quite loose for me .. will do the alteration by this week .. So, by the weekends I can wear it with boyfriend :)) I'm touched, heart and soul with boyfriend's surprise for me this year :)) thank you so much love ! your birthday is coming soon love :))

After coming back from MBS, I'm having severe backache non-stop .. it's really killing me !! last night was the worst .. I cried all the way to 'tahan' the pain .. I'm mentally ready if my baby wanna come out .. seriously .. I can't stand the pain anymore .. I can't eat or even sit ! the pain will only subside if I lie down .. and I can't do anything when I'm lying down .. OMG ! I just wanna get it over and done with .. I wanna give birth ASAP !! no joke .. It is damn painful .. I've never experience such pain :( and I'm totally prepared for birth .. boyfriend was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do .. haha ! ayang, dumbfounded is lost okay .. don't think that I called you dumb .. hehe ! I know he's trying his best to console me, but all sorts of consolation won't do any good unless you really know how it feels !! seriously ! all I do now is lie in bed and do nothing .. and now, as I'm updating my blog, the pain will come and go !! It's very irritating and I feel like shouting my lungs out due to the extreme pain !! okay, I shall stop here before I'm in pain and start crying again .. I gotta relax myself .. gdnite bloggers .. iloveyou boyfriend :))

Note to readers : The date was supposed to be 7th April 2011 at 1.08AM .. I procrastinate this blog till today .. haha !!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

It hurts ..

hello bloggers :/ I'm kinda down at this time of the night .. I dun noe, just wish to let it all out here .. I know those who are reading this are my close friends and my boyfriend .. maybe .. if he still remembers that I'm always updating my blog .. nonetheless, I feel so empty tonight .. I couldn't figure out the reason .. and as I'm typing this, I realised that, we can't always expect much from people .. we have to be standing on our own feet, needless if we're attached, married or even single .. all my hopes were crushed tonight .. I forced myself to be strong .. to not cry over petty matters .. but then again, I'm soft inside .. It's just ME .. I can't sleep for the past few nights, missing him, because he's far away from me .. but tonight, I can even close my eyes .. because I know that he's back, but yet, I still miss him .. I shouldn't be feeling this since he's back .. and why am I feeling this ? Maybe I should just blame myself .. blame myself for hoping that he will give all his attention .. blame myself for hoping that he knows that I've been missing him .. blame myself for poking my nose into his MSN chats, blame myself for confronting a girl that chatted with him before, blame myself for standing up for him, blame myself for EVERY SINGLE THING !!

Things have changed and my biggest fear is that he will change :') every night before going to sleep, I'll always pray to God to make us a stronger being .. to be able to overcome all the hurdles in life .. but then, I guess God doesn't YET wanna answer my prayers .. I will never stop praying to HIM .. now that he's safe at home, I'm more than contented :') Gdnite love .. I love you and I miss US :')

It's already 3.38am now .. and I still can't sleep .. everybody's at their dreamland .. and I'm still stuck in reality .. I'm tired today .. walking the whole day with my friends .. I guess I laughed too much just now .. and I'm sitting here, crying at night .. life's unpredictable .. we wouldn't know what will happen in 5 minutes time .. how I wish I can work .. but I'll just wish upon wishes :) I guess he's already asleep now .. I'm planning to go to kimie's place in the morning later .. but, I can't even sleep NOW .. my body tells me that I'm tired .. but, my mind couldn't stop thinking .. I shall have to off the internet connection in a while and I guess I'll just lay in bed staring at the wall .. maybe, that way, I can sleep .. gdnite bloggers .. iloveyou boyfriend :')

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Turning 22 in a week's time :))

It's the 29th today .. so, that means, boyfriend will come back in 2 days' time :)) I'm surprised that I can survived for the past 8 days :)) it's not that I can live without him, but the thing is, I'm more independent whenever he's not around .. boyfriend wants me to be dependent on myself if he's not around .. unless if he's around, I'll depend on him .. hehe ! i miss him soo much .. no words to describe it :( but alhamdulillah, we made it thru ayang :)) and ... I'm turning 22 in a weeks' time !! time passed in a blink of an eye :)) alhamdulillah once again that I'm celebrating my brithday with boyfriend for the 2nd time :)) April's gonna be an extremely one of the best months :)) we're gonna have a gathering this coming weekend, followed by my birthday, and then the following weekend will be boyfriend's birthday !! this time round, I'm not gonna let him know what's my surprise for him for his birthday ! haaha ! he's always spoiling my surprise plans for him .. MBS was supposed to be a surprise, but, he ended up knowing everything =/ haiyoo ! so, boyfriend, plss .. let me surprise you atleast once :)) you've given me alot of surprises ..

My sister is being super irritating for the past few days !! I can't stand her !! I dun wanna hate her or else my daughter will be like her .. but, she's really attracting everybody's attention and acting as if whatever she's doing is RIGHT !! I seriously HATE her !! I guess step siblings are really not meant to be close even how close we try to be :)) well, I also guess it's because I hate her dad ! enough about her in my blog .. wasting my precious time !

Now, I'm watching Buku Harian Baim :)) this gorgeous boy is sooo adorable !! I love watching his show every single day at 6pm .. I wished my daughter will grow up to be like him :)) he really take care of his mum at the age of 3 .. can you imagine that ? he won't let his mum drop a tear .. always be there for her 'Bunda' (he calls his mum that) :)) to sum it all, I've never see a 3 year old boy like him .. very intelligent in talking and have a gold heart :)) I salute his parents for his upbringing :))

Everybody wants birthday presents for their birthday .. I used to think that way too :)) my family always wanted to celebrate my birthday in the past, but then, I was in Girls' Home .. last year we managed to celebrate my 21st birthday at home with family and friends :)) but for my 22nd birthday, all I wished for is to be a good mum to my daughter .. I thank my mum for bringing me up to this complicated yet beautiful life .. It's ironic indeed .. I'm contented with the people I have in my life .. my family, my boyfriend and my baby girl :)) I don't wish to lose them in any ways .. unless God loves them more than I do .. and I also pray that God will somehow answer my prayers .. I wanna grow old with the person whom I love with all my heart .. my boyfriend .. obstacles after obstacles won't falter us .. insyallah, we will remain strong :)) i love you boyfriend .. never will I forsake you and our baby .. let's go thru this together :)

I'll end my blog here for today :)) so much of self reflection I've done here :) I love you boyfriend ! come home soon !!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Life as it is :))

hello bloggers ! I'm done with my dinner :)) first and foremost, I'm terribly missing my boyfriend :)) but, I'm left with 2 more days for him to come back .. and after that, I'm looking forward for our upcoming events :)) Super excited !! the pictures I posted are the places that we're gonna go this coming weekend ! yeaa ! And my mum actually allowed me to go .. Surprising much !! in the first place, I didn't wanna inform her that I'm gonna overnight at MBS .. but then, I decided to tell her and face all her naggings ! but, I was shocked when she actually allowed me to overnight .. I understand the reason she won't allow me to overnight is because I'm pregnant and I know her intentions are good .. but, I promised her that I will take good care of myself :)) I'm lucky to have my mum and granny to take care of me during my pregnancy .. or else, I wouldn't know all the "pantang2" during pregnancy :)) and I'm sure that when my baby has arrived to this world, they will take extra care of my baby girl :))

So, yesterday, we cleaned up my room for the arrival of my baby :)) now, my room is in tip top condition for my baby to stay in :)) kalau tak, very the dusty u noe ! hehe ! my granny even wants me to deliver ASAP .. WTH ! hahaa ! Boyfriend.I.Miss.You ! I watched a video at Youtube, and I learnt something .. here's the dialogue ..

" I always believe that when something bad happens, it is a warning as it is payment for vices we had done, whether we realize it or not .. But it is difficult to accept something so hideous .. We're always hoping that there will only be green meadows and blue skies .. When bad things happen, our plan in our life changes .. everything will be different .. Like it or not, this is life .. "

signing off,

PS: I love boyfriend :))

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Extremely Bored !!

okay, I'm extremely bored right now !! boredom is KILLING me !! ayang, please come home fast !! I'm going crazy already .. I've got no mood to do even a single thing !! I haven't even complete what I wanna do !! OMG ! ayang, you really have a great impact in my life .. I'm so restless without you here :( we've never been separated for this long .. atleast, during the 1 week that we didn't meet, I would atleast get to talk to you .. but this time round, 10 solid days, without talking to you !! ohh goshh !! killing me .. please God, pass the time faster :(( I really miss my boyfriend .. actually, I was supposed to be cleaning up my room today .. spring cleaning .. but then, I've really got no mood to do anything .. I'll just sit infront of my laptop, update my blog, and send tons and tons of message to boyfriend ! hahaa ! psychotic freak !! and when the time comes to have my meal, bathe, I'll just do it .. then, I'll force myself to sleep when my back is really aching ! haixx !! I wouldn't want to separate with boyfriend for this long EVER again !! even my diary haven't been completed yet .. and it's wayyy pass the due date already !! what the hell is happening to me !! I wanna do my things, but didn't managed to complete it !! how like that ?? now, I feel like lying down and stare at the ceiling .. I'll clean up my room if I have the mood to do so later on :(( with the help from my mum of course .. haixx .. i miss you ayang :(( i love you so much .. will update later on tonight .. bubye bloggers =/

Thursday, March 24, 2011

What He's Done For Me

For so long I've been lonely
Drowning in my tears,
No one there to listen
Or help me face my deepest fears.
No one there to shelter me
From this world so full of pain,
No one showed me rainbows
Every time I saw the rain.

No one there to give a damn
About my broken heart,
No one to pick up the pieces
Every time I fell apart.
But, finally someone came along
And took the time to know,
All the hurt and pain
That I tried hard not to show.

He took the time to realize
How much I've had to pay,
For every time I gave of me
There was something taken away.
He took the time to look inside
This heart as cold as stone,
He found that there was something there
No one else has ever known.

He found what I'd been hiding there
Brought it out to show the world,
That there was so much love inside
Of such a lonely girl.
He knew what I was feeling
So he set my mind at ease,
Then he did the impossible -
He gave my soul to me.

So, now I'm going to take this time
To say "Thanks" for all he's done,
And hope he knows I love him more
Then life or anyone.
Im not gonna update my blog today .. lots of things to be done before boyfriend comes home :)) iloveyou ayang .. please come home soon !

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

8 freaking days left !!

hello bloggers ! see this cute little star ? it's left behind at boyfriend's house :(( kesian die tido sorang2 .. slalunye die tido dgn boyfriend .. well, today, boyfriend's left with 8 more days to come back !! yea ! and I was so excited that he actually on his hp there .. haha ! dpt dgr ringing tone pon jadi la .. but still, he can read all my messages :) well, last night, I couldn't sleep well .. gue kangen sama pacar gue :)) I miss him soo much .. I've enquired about the MBS thingy and guess what, no dining available for a one-night stay .. haixx ! gotta cook something for those who's coming over .. hidayah recommended me to bring finger foods .. and I guess that will be okay .. but, for those who's gonna overnight there, I'll also bring along some food okay .. all the overnight peeps are big eaters .. ahaha ! dear boyfriend, please come back soon .. I can't sleep a wink last night .. and I think I fell asleep without realising :)) 8 more days to goo ! this weekend I'm gonna clean up my room for our baby's stuff to be placed in there .. I'm watching Lagenda Budak Setan at Astro Ria again .. OMG ! I'm so freaking scared because they actually showed the part whereby Ayu really gave birth and died after that .. seram pee ! It's goona be the end of March soon .. and then April .. 15th of April will be my 9 mths scanning :)) will see baby g for the lsat time thru scanning and then, she'll be born to this world :) I soo can't wait for that moment ! will continue later on, gotta cook for my family .. then, bath and finally, pray :) imissyou ayang !

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm missing my Boyfriend =/

It's been 16 hours since boyfriend fly off to China :( and now, I'm starting to miss him already .. belom lagi satu hari .. and I'll still have another 9 more days to wait for him .. ayang, I really miss you truckloadsss !! pleaseeee come back home soonnn ! I'm really going insane !! am wondering what are you doing at this point of time there .. mesti tengah mcm org KIASU kan .. hehe ! whatever it is, I hope you'll enjoy your stay there .. must have fun ok ayang :)) nonetheless, we'll be looking forward to couple of events after you come back here okay :)) our birthdays especially ! hehe ! ayang, I've already deleted all your girl friends in your msn .. i mean, those whom you're not in contact with anymore .. and I tell you, it took me almost half and hour to delete each and every one of them .. dah brape lame agaknye u simpan pompan2 ni semue .. banyak sgt :)) like I said, I wanna avoid misunderstanding between us .. and I don't wish to control you .. so, sebelom pompan2 ni semuer nak kasi kite gadoh, baik kite buat mcm gini okay ayang :)) I noe, setan tu slalu ade untuk goda kite supaya kite gado .. kalau dulu, kite slalu kene goda dgn setan .. you remember how we used to quarrel in the past right .. our physical fights was the worst of all !! haha ! experience taught us to be more rational in handling our problems now .. we're gonna be parents soon .. so, I guess, it's best we learn from now :)) i love you my dear ! never will I forsake you and our baby G ! hehe ! I'll sacrifice whatever it takes for the 3 of us to be happy :) insyallah, everything will go on smoothly .. I just want us to be faithful and respect each other ;) ok love, I'll continue updating my blog till you come back from China okay ? will update again tomorrow .. Gdnite ayang ! Sweet dreams .. iloveyou !

Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary Love

Today marks the first year of us being together :)) but then, boyfriend will be going to China tonite :( Nonetheless, I'm glad we came this far :)) facing thru all the hurdles in our relationship and still remained strong .. what matter the most is that, we gotta trust our partner and that is the main ingredient of being in a relationship :)) yes, we've broke each other's trust once .. or I can say, a couple of times .. but then again, we don't wanna lose watever we've built together .. and there comes the saying, " trust is to be earned by gaining it " it doesn't come rolling at your feet .. and I can say, it's difficult to gain one's trust :)) there will be stepping stones along the way to guide us to reach for what we want .. despite the circumstances that we're facing right now .. but, I have faith in God .. to help us in all the obstacles we're facing .. yes, God is the one who give us all the obstacles, but ironically, He's also the one who will help us face thru the obstacles :)) I will edit more later on .. need to clean my hammy's cage ! :))

I'm done cleaning Hammy's cage :)) boyfriend's not home yet, and he's going off to China by tonite :(( I'm gonna dread the 10 long days ahead of me .. boyfriend, please come back ASAP okay ! remember the letter I wrote for you .. must bring it along okay ! So, I guess I gotta do a timetable for the next 10 days .. hmm .. Shall start plotting it by tomorrow .. and I've also promised myself to wake up for my Subuh Prayers starting by tomorrow .. I must force myself for a start ! or else, I'll be lazy to wake up and only pray 4 times a day :)) I'll always pray for boyfriend's safety .. insyallah, everything will go smoothly okay ayang :)) don't be so imaginative and create all sorts of imagination in your mind about ur flight okay ! Say your prayers before boarding the plane and everything's gonna be FINE ! I'll behave myself and faithfully wait for you okay dear :)) okay, boyfriend is already home before flying off later ! I'm gonna spend all the time left with him :)) iloveyou ayang ! please take care of yourself ya !