Monday, March 28, 2011

Life as it is :))

hello bloggers ! I'm done with my dinner :)) first and foremost, I'm terribly missing my boyfriend :)) but, I'm left with 2 more days for him to come back .. and after that, I'm looking forward for our upcoming events :)) Super excited !! the pictures I posted are the places that we're gonna go this coming weekend ! yeaa ! And my mum actually allowed me to go .. Surprising much !! in the first place, I didn't wanna inform her that I'm gonna overnight at MBS .. but then, I decided to tell her and face all her naggings ! but, I was shocked when she actually allowed me to overnight .. I understand the reason she won't allow me to overnight is because I'm pregnant and I know her intentions are good .. but, I promised her that I will take good care of myself :)) I'm lucky to have my mum and granny to take care of me during my pregnancy .. or else, I wouldn't know all the "pantang2" during pregnancy :)) and I'm sure that when my baby has arrived to this world, they will take extra care of my baby girl :))

So, yesterday, we cleaned up my room for the arrival of my baby :)) now, my room is in tip top condition for my baby to stay in :)) kalau tak, very the dusty u noe ! hehe ! my granny even wants me to deliver ASAP .. WTH ! hahaa ! Boyfriend.I.Miss.You ! I watched a video at Youtube, and I learnt something .. here's the dialogue ..

" I always believe that when something bad happens, it is a warning as it is payment for vices we had done, whether we realize it or not .. But it is difficult to accept something so hideous .. We're always hoping that there will only be green meadows and blue skies .. When bad things happen, our plan in our life changes .. everything will be different .. Like it or not, this is life .. "

signing off,

PS: I love boyfriend :))

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