Monday, March 21, 2011

Happy 1st Anniversary Love

Today marks the first year of us being together :)) but then, boyfriend will be going to China tonite :( Nonetheless, I'm glad we came this far :)) facing thru all the hurdles in our relationship and still remained strong .. what matter the most is that, we gotta trust our partner and that is the main ingredient of being in a relationship :)) yes, we've broke each other's trust once .. or I can say, a couple of times .. but then again, we don't wanna lose watever we've built together .. and there comes the saying, " trust is to be earned by gaining it " it doesn't come rolling at your feet .. and I can say, it's difficult to gain one's trust :)) there will be stepping stones along the way to guide us to reach for what we want .. despite the circumstances that we're facing right now .. but, I have faith in God .. to help us in all the obstacles we're facing .. yes, God is the one who give us all the obstacles, but ironically, He's also the one who will help us face thru the obstacles :)) I will edit more later on .. need to clean my hammy's cage ! :))

I'm done cleaning Hammy's cage :)) boyfriend's not home yet, and he's going off to China by tonite :(( I'm gonna dread the 10 long days ahead of me .. boyfriend, please come back ASAP okay ! remember the letter I wrote for you .. must bring it along okay ! So, I guess I gotta do a timetable for the next 10 days .. hmm .. Shall start plotting it by tomorrow .. and I've also promised myself to wake up for my Subuh Prayers starting by tomorrow .. I must force myself for a start ! or else, I'll be lazy to wake up and only pray 4 times a day :)) I'll always pray for boyfriend's safety .. insyallah, everything will go smoothly okay ayang :)) don't be so imaginative and create all sorts of imagination in your mind about ur flight okay ! Say your prayers before boarding the plane and everything's gonna be FINE ! I'll behave myself and faithfully wait for you okay dear :)) okay, boyfriend is already home before flying off later ! I'm gonna spend all the time left with him :)) iloveyou ayang ! please take care of yourself ya !

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