Monday, March 7, 2011

Ohh Myyy Goddd !

I didn't know what I did to my blog :( I wanted to change the background, but ended up deleting the songs !! NYAWEE !! help meeee !! what am I supposed to do now :( I dun wanna change any further and resulting in deleting the whole blog ! hah ! well, it's been a while I updated my blog .. alot of things to be settled :) and guess what ! I'm off from tag !! wuhooooo !! Went to JB on the Saturday night .. Met boyfriend yesterday, and went back at 12 am .. hahahaa ! balek kene marahh .. but, I did have fun ! boyfriend, iloveyou :) ok, now, im looking forward for this weekend :)) gonna buy baby's stuffs !! I'm soooooooo excitedd :) then, i'm looking forward for our 1st yr anniversary, followed by our 22nd birthday, and lastly, MY DELIVERY ! Goshh ! T.R.A.U.M.A !! hahahaa ! hoping that everything's gonna run smoothly *cross fingers* well, boyfriend isn't home yet .. I'm going check up this coming Wednesday :) I posted this at facebook today .. " trust is something u gotta gain .. I've learnt not to share my problems with people that's isn't close to me .. because, at the end of the day, every human being will know ur problems :)) The handful of people that can be trusted are ur family members, husband/wife, soulmates, best friends whom u trust and lastly, GOD :)) I've learnt it the hard way in the past .. regretted doing that .. frens, dun trust anybody .. becoz, everybody have thier own motive when they wanna help u .. especially, when the help comes from a guy :)) boyfriend, im sorry to do that in the past :)) because now, im comfortable relating to u :)) iloveyou ! ok, im done blogging for today because boyfriend's coming home sooonnn !! gdnite all :))

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