Wednesday, March 23, 2011

8 freaking days left !!

hello bloggers ! see this cute little star ? it's left behind at boyfriend's house :(( kesian die tido sorang2 .. slalunye die tido dgn boyfriend .. well, today, boyfriend's left with 8 more days to come back !! yea ! and I was so excited that he actually on his hp there .. haha ! dpt dgr ringing tone pon jadi la .. but still, he can read all my messages :) well, last night, I couldn't sleep well .. gue kangen sama pacar gue :)) I miss him soo much .. I've enquired about the MBS thingy and guess what, no dining available for a one-night stay .. haixx ! gotta cook something for those who's coming over .. hidayah recommended me to bring finger foods .. and I guess that will be okay .. but, for those who's gonna overnight there, I'll also bring along some food okay .. all the overnight peeps are big eaters .. ahaha ! dear boyfriend, please come back soon .. I can't sleep a wink last night .. and I think I fell asleep without realising :)) 8 more days to goo ! this weekend I'm gonna clean up my room for our baby's stuff to be placed in there .. I'm watching Lagenda Budak Setan at Astro Ria again .. OMG ! I'm so freaking scared because they actually showed the part whereby Ayu really gave birth and died after that .. seram pee ! It's goona be the end of March soon .. and then April .. 15th of April will be my 9 mths scanning :)) will see baby g for the lsat time thru scanning and then, she'll be born to this world :) I soo can't wait for that moment ! will continue later on, gotta cook for my family .. then, bath and finally, pray :) imissyou ayang !

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