Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Matters of the Heart :)

hello everyone :)) I've just put boyfriend to sleep thru webcam .. now, I'm gonna update my blog before going to bed .. well, tomorrow's my check up, and I think I'll be going there alone .. boyfriend will be working .. it's ok .. i understand that he's bz .. boyfriend told me what he felt earlier on .. ayang, I'm not like what you think ok :) I love you .. and only you .. I appreciate what u've let out just now .. and I do appreciate all the things that u've done for me .. we've learn to open up to one another .. and we're taking things in a positive way :)) like how u reacted when I told you what I felt the other day .. remember ? I do appreciate that u atleast tried not to do the things that I don't like :)) atleast we know that the level of respect we have for each other is there .. I'm happy that now, we settle things in a rational way .. unlike in the past .. u know how we used to quarrel rite :)) hehe ! klakar tau ingat2 balek .. but then, those experience are stepping stones for us to build a better future :)) we'll take things slowly and surely, we'll achieve what we want .. I seriously can't wait to start working and help u out .. atleast kalau I dah start keje, everything will go smoothly .. insyallah :)) have faith in God love and I'm sure God will help us out :)) for now, we just concentrate on our baby .. in 5 days time, it's our 1st year anniversary :)) time do fly I must say .. but then, we've gone thru all kinds of SHIT .. haha ! yet, we remained strong .. alhamdulillah :)) ayang, don't stop praying to God, for the baby's future, for our future .. I love you .. always .. like I said, I wanna grow old with you :)) we're turning 22 soon .. and we're becoming parents soon ! haha ! don't let others bring us down .. we'll shine thru ayang :)) don't worry .. you're not useless .. I love you for who you are, not WHAT you are .. you are a responsible father to your daughter :)) because I know that .. your daughter's needs are more important than urs .. u've shown that ayang .. and I know ur sincere in every single thing you did for me .. don't belittle urself and think that u're useless love .. I witnessed every single thing you do for me and your daughter .. and I thank God for having you in my life .. for being sincere, faithful and honest to me .. the Khairul Izam I see now is not the Khairul Izam I see in the past .. you're a changed person now .. and I'm proud of you .. I'm not ashamed to blog in here that you're a changed person now, even if we've made ample of mistakes in the past .. so ayang, don't ever ever think that u're a useless person okay .. I love you and I'll always be there for u, thru thick and thin .. kite susah and senang same2 ok ayang :)) it's time for me to sleep .. remember, I love you ;) gdnite ayang !

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