Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Turning 22 in a week's time :))

It's the 29th today .. so, that means, boyfriend will come back in 2 days' time :)) I'm surprised that I can survived for the past 8 days :)) it's not that I can live without him, but the thing is, I'm more independent whenever he's not around .. boyfriend wants me to be dependent on myself if he's not around .. unless if he's around, I'll depend on him .. hehe ! i miss him soo much .. no words to describe it :( but alhamdulillah, we made it thru ayang :)) and ... I'm turning 22 in a weeks' time !! time passed in a blink of an eye :)) alhamdulillah once again that I'm celebrating my brithday with boyfriend for the 2nd time :)) April's gonna be an extremely one of the best months :)) we're gonna have a gathering this coming weekend, followed by my birthday, and then the following weekend will be boyfriend's birthday !! this time round, I'm not gonna let him know what's my surprise for him for his birthday ! haaha ! he's always spoiling my surprise plans for him .. MBS was supposed to be a surprise, but, he ended up knowing everything =/ haiyoo ! so, boyfriend, plss .. let me surprise you atleast once :)) you've given me alot of surprises ..

My sister is being super irritating for the past few days !! I can't stand her !! I dun wanna hate her or else my daughter will be like her .. but, she's really attracting everybody's attention and acting as if whatever she's doing is RIGHT !! I seriously HATE her !! I guess step siblings are really not meant to be close even how close we try to be :)) well, I also guess it's because I hate her dad ! enough about her in my blog .. wasting my precious time !

Now, I'm watching Buku Harian Baim :)) this gorgeous boy is sooo adorable !! I love watching his show every single day at 6pm .. I wished my daughter will grow up to be like him :)) he really take care of his mum at the age of 3 .. can you imagine that ? he won't let his mum drop a tear .. always be there for her 'Bunda' (he calls his mum that) :)) to sum it all, I've never see a 3 year old boy like him .. very intelligent in talking and have a gold heart :)) I salute his parents for his upbringing :))

Everybody wants birthday presents for their birthday .. I used to think that way too :)) my family always wanted to celebrate my birthday in the past, but then, I was in Girls' Home .. last year we managed to celebrate my 21st birthday at home with family and friends :)) but for my 22nd birthday, all I wished for is to be a good mum to my daughter .. I thank my mum for bringing me up to this complicated yet beautiful life .. It's ironic indeed .. I'm contented with the people I have in my life .. my family, my boyfriend and my baby girl :)) I don't wish to lose them in any ways .. unless God loves them more than I do .. and I also pray that God will somehow answer my prayers .. I wanna grow old with the person whom I love with all my heart .. my boyfriend .. obstacles after obstacles won't falter us .. insyallah, we will remain strong :)) i love you boyfriend .. never will I forsake you and our baby .. let's go thru this together :)

I'll end my blog here for today :)) so much of self reflection I've done here :) I love you boyfriend ! come home soon !!

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