Saturday, March 26, 2011

Extremely Bored !!

okay, I'm extremely bored right now !! boredom is KILLING me !! ayang, please come home fast !! I'm going crazy already .. I've got no mood to do even a single thing !! I haven't even complete what I wanna do !! OMG ! ayang, you really have a great impact in my life .. I'm so restless without you here :( we've never been separated for this long .. atleast, during the 1 week that we didn't meet, I would atleast get to talk to you .. but this time round, 10 solid days, without talking to you !! ohh goshh !! killing me .. please God, pass the time faster :(( I really miss my boyfriend .. actually, I was supposed to be cleaning up my room today .. spring cleaning .. but then, I've really got no mood to do anything .. I'll just sit infront of my laptop, update my blog, and send tons and tons of message to boyfriend ! hahaa ! psychotic freak !! and when the time comes to have my meal, bathe, I'll just do it .. then, I'll force myself to sleep when my back is really aching ! haixx !! I wouldn't want to separate with boyfriend for this long EVER again !! even my diary haven't been completed yet .. and it's wayyy pass the due date already !! what the hell is happening to me !! I wanna do my things, but didn't managed to complete it !! how like that ?? now, I feel like lying down and stare at the ceiling .. I'll clean up my room if I have the mood to do so later on :(( with the help from my mum of course .. haixx .. i miss you ayang :(( i love you so much .. will update later on tonight .. bubye bloggers =/

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