Tuesday, March 22, 2011

I'm missing my Boyfriend =/

It's been 16 hours since boyfriend fly off to China :( and now, I'm starting to miss him already .. belom lagi satu hari .. and I'll still have another 9 more days to wait for him .. ayang, I really miss you truckloadsss !! pleaseeee come back home soonnn ! I'm really going insane !! am wondering what are you doing at this point of time there .. mesti tengah mcm org KIASU kan .. hehe ! whatever it is, I hope you'll enjoy your stay there .. must have fun ok ayang :)) nonetheless, we'll be looking forward to couple of events after you come back here okay :)) our birthdays especially ! hehe ! ayang, I've already deleted all your girl friends in your msn .. i mean, those whom you're not in contact with anymore .. and I tell you, it took me almost half and hour to delete each and every one of them .. dah brape lame agaknye u simpan pompan2 ni semue .. banyak sgt :)) like I said, I wanna avoid misunderstanding between us .. and I don't wish to control you .. so, sebelom pompan2 ni semuer nak kasi kite gadoh, baik kite buat mcm gini okay ayang :)) I noe, setan tu slalu ade untuk goda kite supaya kite gado .. kalau dulu, kite slalu kene goda dgn setan .. you remember how we used to quarrel in the past right .. our physical fights was the worst of all !! haha ! experience taught us to be more rational in handling our problems now .. we're gonna be parents soon .. so, I guess, it's best we learn from now :)) i love you my dear ! never will I forsake you and our baby G ! hehe ! I'll sacrifice whatever it takes for the 3 of us to be happy :) insyallah, everything will go on smoothly .. I just want us to be faithful and respect each other ;) ok love, I'll continue updating my blog till you come back from China okay ? will update again tomorrow .. Gdnite ayang ! Sweet dreams .. iloveyou !

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