Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Embarking on writing a book :))

Good morning peeps ! I gotta wake up early today becoz I need to go for my counselling at PPIS :)) So, what happened this morning was, my counsellor asked me whether I am comfortable writing about the journey of my life :)) So to say, my life story before going in to prison till today .. I've got no confidence in doing it, but i told myself, why not do something different and try this out .. I gotta brush up on my English once again ! Haixx ! From today till next month, I have to complete chapter 1 of my book .. haven't even thought of a tittle yet .. any recommendations ?? ohh my, there's alot of things to be done and completed by next month *sigh* for the editing part, my buddy, Arai, will be helping me out *smiles* her english is SUPERB !! and I simply love her vocabulary knowledge :)) Yesterday, boyfriend went back early and we talked on the phone for hours *smiles* iloveyou ! :)) I'm left with 9 MORE days to end my tagging !! OMG ! I can't believe it .. I've waited patiently for 1 yr 3 mths to end this misery of going back on time :)) Ok, now I'm gonna Google on how to go about writing a book .. It may be easy as it seems, but, I guess, I should be prepared for the worst :)) I've already confirmed the people going to Marina Bay Sands .. everyone is excited ! haha ! I'm excited too :)) it's gonna be a BLAST with all the crazy people !! ok peeps, gonna start on my writing and some other things :)) I'll update if I do have time to do so .. till then, I love my boyfriend :))

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