Saturday, February 19, 2011

Another Bright Saturday Morning :))

Hello people ! Good morning :)) updating my blog while waiting for boyfriend to wake up .. he asked me to wake up at 5.30AM but then, I think he was the one who overslept :)) Wondering what are we gonna do today ? I slept at around 3 plus last night .. couldn't close my eyes .. so, my cute little hammy accompany me thru the night :)) I video-ed its movement ;) kinda cute ! thanks to boyfriend who bought it for me to accompany me when he's not around :)) I learned about its species and it kinda interest me alott ! Boyfriend, please wake up soon ! I've got only 8 hours to spend with u every weekends :( ohh my, can 12 days pass by faster ! I wanna be off from my tagging !! so that I can spend more time with boyfriend :)) will continue later onn .. signing off ! :))

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