Saturday, February 19, 2011

Hamster Obsession

Hello! Hello! :))
I'm kinda tired today .. but overall, an enjoyable day spend with boyfriend :)) our plan was to go to Sim Lim Square to purchase a lappy for him, but then, due to our obsessiveness of HAMSTER, we went to Yew Tee Point and surveyed the hamsters there :)) We spend about nearly 2 hours in that particular shop ! Orang kedai tgk kite pon bosan agaknyer .. haha ! and guess what, my boyfriend sempat pegi toilet to pass motion !! hahaha !! Bau taik2 hamster agaknye :)) So, at the end of the 2 hours spend, of course we will purchase something .. Boyfriend get himself another hamster .. it's a female .. and now, he got a new girlfriend to take care of :)) but make sure he dun neglet me, or else, i'll squeeze the hammy !! haha !! We also bought the bathing sand for our hamsters :)) and I can tell u, shopping for our clothings is MUCH MUCH more easier than choosing what to get for our pets .. seriously :)) When we got back to my place, boyfriend told me to put them together while I pack all the items needed for his girlfriend .. They were running away from each other, but ended up so called 'kissing' ! HAHA ! Soon, they were quarrelling, and boyfriend acted so 'FATHERLY' and scolded them ! hahaha !! Now I noe how my boyfriend will scold my kids in the future :)) Overall, a fun experience having a pet :)) So now, im spending my time with my hammy and boyfriend with his new 'girlfriend' ;) Im gonna bring hammy out tomorrow .. maybe to nyawe's place :)) or else we'll be meeting Hidayahh :) Ayang, it's our 11th monthsary this coming mondayy :)) 11 months and more to go ayang :)) I guess i'm gonna end here for today .. tired, tired, tired :) Gdnite peeps !

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