Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Blessed :))

Hello there :)) I'm currently at work and I got some free time to edit my blog :)) well people, do hear out the song that I've posted here .. NAISSEE !! :)) hmm .. Baby Maria is not at home today .. i miss my little brat .. haha! well, i miss my ayang too ! im tired today .. just feel like lazing around and do nothing :)) how I wished I could do that .. hehe ! its already the end of September .. October is just round the corner .. Baby Maria turning 6 mths in  a few weeks' time :)) and after that, she can start eating :)) Last weekend was spent with Baby Maria, BFFs and Ayang :)) got to spend the night with ayang ! yea !! and so, its already Tuesday today .. will be fetching Maria tomorrow .. && I managed to make my very own fried Mars Balls on Sunday :)) hehe ! atlast .. okay, my mind is blank at the moment .. shall continue some other time :)) Toodless !! 

Sometimes, when I look at you, I wonder how would I feel seeing you with somebody else. That is enough to break my heart.
iloveyou ayang :))

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