Friday, September 16, 2011

Nur Maria Arianna Bte Khairul Izam

Well well well ! it's been ages since I update my one and only Blog :)) 5 looonnggg months I must say !! Hmm .. I don't know where shall I start first .. Maybe I'll start with my precious daughter :)) she was born on the 19th April 2011 !! We're the April/Aries familyy !! :)) and so, at this date, Nur Maria Arianna is already 5 mths old :)) alot alot alot of things happened along the way I must say :(( but yet, I'm still standing strong .. juggling between work, Maria and life itself .. well, I guess you guys would like to know what happened between me and Mr Boyfriend right ?? hmmm .. we're still in good terms and we'll just let time tells everything :)) the most important thing is, he's been a supportive father for Maria :)) && I almost forget how to share to you guys my experience of giving birth !! haha ! its a painful yet wonderful experience :)) having Kyo's support thru out my labour, I felt blessed :)) 

Hari Raya itself was so-so :(( the sad thing was, I couldn't celebrate it with Baby Maria .. some of my family members are not aware about her presence in our family .. but, well, as parents, we still make time to celebrate this festive season as a family too :)) we'll be going out for Hari Raya this coming Saturday :)) Kyo had already bought Baby Maria her Hari Raya dress !! and I'm looovviinnggg it !! :)) okay, I got to go !! Toodless :))

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