Monday, April 4, 2011

Marina Bay Sands Madness :))

hello bloggers !! I've not been updating my blog eversince boyfriend's back from China :)) because I'm having lotsa fun .. hehe ! well, it's been a tiring but an enjoyable weekend for me, boyfriend and close frens :)) went to Marina Bay Sands on the 2nd and 3rd April .. at first, everything was in a mess but then, managed to pull thru .. those who didn't attend, I really do understand your situation :)) upon arrival, most of them were already there .. followed by the rest in the evening .. overall, a nice place to relax ourselves and rewind everything .. loosing all the pressures we're having .. to the few of my frens who's having their own disputes, I really hoped you guys did enjoyed yourselves :)) it so sweet of Roy to give me and boyfriend a couple mug from Precious Thots :)) thanx dude ! well, I regretted not going to Skypark upon arrival because when I went there 1 hour before checking out, we realised that we've missed out alot of fun there ! the place was awesome !! should have gone there with the rest :( but, I managed to snap some photos while we're at the Skypark :)) So, we checked out at around 12 noon together with my Soul and Roy :)) We then went to Plaza Singapura to have our lunch and then back home .. All of us was fatigued from all the laughter we had the previous night :)) So, as planned, we're gonna have another party for Countdown this year :)) and I'm sure it's gonna be a BLAST !! by the time, Baby G will be there too !! hehe !

And so, on the 4th of April, to my surprise, boyfriend actually finished work early than expected :)) he called me up at around 7 plus in the evening, asked me to get dolled up and meet him under his void deck .. Luckily I had already taken my shower and washed my hair .. if not, It would be a rush for me .. he wanted to celebrate my birthday :)) I was touched indeed :)) So, I went over to his place and waited for him to get dressed up .. We went to Plaza Singapura to catch the 9.15pm show of the Battleship of Yamakato :) It was an interesting show of spaceship having their so called 'war' .. 2 hours show and luckily we already bought some food for us to eat in the theater .. the show ended at around 11.45pm .. we took the train and alighted at Kranji .. then fortunately there's still bus number 170 service to Ten Mile Junction :)) upon alighting, we took a cab back home .. boyfriend sent me home and then proceeded back home too :)) ohh, I almost forget .. when I was at his place, while putting on my sandals, boyfriend actually surprised me with my birthday present !! I kept on pestering him to wear his watch, but he insisted that he doesn't wanna wear it .. so, I was abit confused .. but then, after opening the present, I understood why he didn't wanna wear his watch .. because he bought for me a couple watch for us !! :)) the watch was indeed BEAUTIFUL !! he explained to me why he choose to buy me a watch for my birthday this year :)) I shall keep the meaning to myself because I dun wanna share it here *wink* So, both of us wore the watch :)) but mine need alteration because it's quite loose for me .. will do the alteration by this week .. So, by the weekends I can wear it with boyfriend :)) I'm touched, heart and soul with boyfriend's surprise for me this year :)) thank you so much love ! your birthday is coming soon love :))

After coming back from MBS, I'm having severe backache non-stop .. it's really killing me !! last night was the worst .. I cried all the way to 'tahan' the pain .. I'm mentally ready if my baby wanna come out .. seriously .. I can't stand the pain anymore .. I can't eat or even sit ! the pain will only subside if I lie down .. and I can't do anything when I'm lying down .. OMG ! I just wanna get it over and done with .. I wanna give birth ASAP !! no joke .. It is damn painful .. I've never experience such pain :( and I'm totally prepared for birth .. boyfriend was dumbfounded and didn't know what to do .. haha ! ayang, dumbfounded is lost okay .. don't think that I called you dumb .. hehe ! I know he's trying his best to console me, but all sorts of consolation won't do any good unless you really know how it feels !! seriously ! all I do now is lie in bed and do nothing .. and now, as I'm updating my blog, the pain will come and go !! It's very irritating and I feel like shouting my lungs out due to the extreme pain !! okay, I shall stop here before I'm in pain and start crying again .. I gotta relax myself .. gdnite bloggers .. iloveyou boyfriend :))

Note to readers : The date was supposed to be 7th April 2011 at 1.08AM .. I procrastinate this blog till today .. haha !!

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