Tuesday, October 25, 2011

My Happy Pills !! :))

See that ?? hehehe! ayang bought for me !! I'm super duper HAPPY ! and i'm loving it :)) I wore it to work today .. hahaha! KIASU gitu .. Was supposed to take my half day leave today to take care of Maria, but ended up work for the whole day .. I'll make sure to claim for atleast half of my monthly allowance from my Boss this month :)) ayang, thank you so much for yesterday :)) I'm soo happy with you last night :)) shopping was great .. and also the KOI drink !! hahaha !! plus the Qiji Meal and also the ehem ehem :)) and I love playing soap bubbles with you !! :)) and after yesterday, luckily I managed to reach work on time, despite waking up late .. or else, my Boss will nag at me :)) So, tonight, I will be sleeping early :)) gotta work again tomorrow .. duhh! this new trainee really have a thick skull I gotta drill in :)) Don't come home too late okay ayang .. you're working tomorrow .. i'll stop here for now :)) Toodles~

iloveyou Khairul Izam :))

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