Saturday, October 1, 2011

iloveyou ayang :))

So you think my man can't give me happiness? Let me tell you this, he's the one who brought me closer to ALLAH, he's the one who made me change for the better, he's the one who stood by me when the world is against me & criticizing for starting to change & wear hijab, he's the reason I'll always shed my tears, but then in another hand, he showed me the meaning of true love & happiness, he's the one who fed me when I have no money, he's the one who never ever ever gave up on me thou I made a lot of mistake, he's the only one, none other than Khairul Izam. Despite all the tantrums, anger, vulgarities that we've thrown to each other, he still handle me when I'm at my worst .. People make mistake & we've been thru the worst, & of cos we changed for the better. I'm not gonna care what others think about me or him, cos he's the best & will always be. ♥
* this is my recent post on Facebook :)) I want everybody to know that, I've choose the right person to be with for the rest of my life *

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