Thursday, October 6, 2011

Sick Sick Sick :(

Im SICK !! i hate to be sick :( ayang, i miss you. i'm sorry i didn't called you last night .. i was asleep after putting maria to bed .. she's still sick too :( vomited at work again this afternoon .. ayang, kite dah jarang bebual this few days .. i guess because u're buzy with work .. and, im buzy taking care of Maria :( but, it's okay. i understand :)) okay, i don't know why i posted up this song .. but, i think its kinda cute .. haha! im gonna continue later .. gonna watch my favourite TV show NOWW :)) Toodless ~

Okay, I've already put ayang to sleep, and I shall continue blogging for a while more before I go to bed .. ayang, im sorry for scolding you earlier on .. i just miss u soo much .. and i can't wait to tell you whatever happened yesterday .. im sorry :( you've been working soo hard lately .. please have time to rest and eat okay ?? btw, can we go to the beach this weekend ?? dah lame kite tak pegi beach kan ? tapi nanti Maria panas pulak kat sane .. jauh pulak tu :( well, im gonna turn in soon .. working tmr :)) gdnite, sweet dreams ayang .. iloveyou !! see you in my dreamland :)) hehehee ! 

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