Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Shagged !!

im damn shagged :( pity ayang, he's tired but still need to go to work today .. but still, yesterday night was fun :)) and forgetting my first day in NUH too :)) alot of experience that i've faced .. so, after work, went to meet buddy arai, max and azy at Suntec City, then we proceed to East Coast Lagoon to meet Boss :)) We ordered alot of scrumptious food !! I was very full till my uniform was abt to stretch further .. hahaha ! a while later, ayang came over from JB :)) thank you ayang for making time after work to meet me there :)) so, when ayang came, he ordered his set of food :)) after joking ard, we then strolled along the pavement at East Coast Park :)) it's been soo long me and ayang went there .. while walking, it started to rain .. we then decided to go back home since everybody is tired already .. we flagged the cab back home ..

Okay, I delayed posting out this post because i have forgotten all abt it .. haha ! Here you go readers :))

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