Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Stick Wtih You :))

Here's my cute little girl :)) mcm budak Korea atau Japan ?? hahaha !! well,I'm glad everything is settled for Sue :)) yesterday was fun ! ayang wasn't working and he fetched me at KKH .. we then had dinner together .. I really enjoyed spending time with you last night :)) thanks for sending me back home at 1am in the morning, though you gotta walk back home in the middle of the night .. thank you ayang :)) ayang ! i've already done my research abt the Boutique Hotel that we watched on TV yesterday !! haha !! I've already get all the necessary details :)) InsyaAllah, we'll go there one day okay :)) I It's already November !! and then, the end of the year :))   Alhamdulillah, so far, things have been good our side .. our relationship, our cute little girl and our careers :)) I hope things will stay as it is .. Ayang, remember tau, I wanna go to Arbite Cafe for their Pastas !! :)) it looks appetizing :)) 

I wanna take my nap for a while .. im shagged ! till then, Toodless ~
Iloveyou ayang :))

Arbite's Website :

Wanderlust Hotel
2 Dickson Road, Singapore 209494
Tel. +65 6396 3322

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